Dating Software at Now $597

Abledating 2.4—All-in-one dating & sommunity software

Buy now and save 800$ *

*If you buy Chameleon TODAY, you get FREE: 1) YouTube Video
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Later these features will go separately, so you will be able to buy them additionally.

Powerful, secure, fast and stable PHP/MySQL online dating software with unlimited functionality modification options and easy design/layout customization.

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AbleDating Crack

Are looking for a crack version of ABK-Soft AbleDating? You may meet ABK-Soft AbleDating crack on many crack, serial and warez websites. But are these cracked versions of ABK-Soft's Dating Script Solution worth downloading? There are those who offer ABK-Soft AbleDating 2.4 at a price that is 6 times lower than the original, and there are those who offer a free ABK-Soft AbleDating Crack. Then there is offering AbleDating Dating Script at the standard price. Which solution is better? Is the crack a scam or is it an AbleDating Scam?

ABK-Soft AbleDating Crack has a few major disadvantages which aren't really going to make you go far in the dating business. The dating business is too serious for some crack version of ABK-Soft's Dating Solution. On to the disadvantages...

- The new Live Video Chat function will not be a function as it will not work at all. The ABK-Soft Video Chat data exchange remote server will simply ignore any IP address that is not registered. AbleDating Crack does not register itself in ABK-Soft's Video data exchange server database. Moreover, the server's IP constantly changes, as video data packets are too large to be 'thrown' around one little wire. A multi-network system is used.

AbleDating Crack

- The Voice Chat function will not work either, for the reasons already mentioned above. In fact, most of the newer functions do not work in the cracked version of AbleDating, as they use advanced remote server technologies.

- No Updates, Upgrades and Patches will be provided to owners of ABK-Soft AbleDating 2.4 Crack simply because the crack version isn't registered in ABK-Soft's customer database. This means that you will not get ABK-Soft's future versions until the crack version comes out.

- No Technical Support. No Guarantee. Losing hundreds of paying members 'thanks' to some bug in AbleDating 2.4 Crack Version is one tough experience, and don't expect the crack team to help you out and compensate your loss.

- Prosecution is what will likely follow the remote shut down of a social network or dating community 'powered' by AbleDating Crack. And there have been numerous legal cases.

Go ahead and download AbleDating 2.4 Crack by simply 'googling' for "AbleDating Crack Serial Nulled", but none of your site members will be glad to pay for a half-functioning dating community site that will close down after the first few server errors and code failures! To make serious profits you will definitely need to get yourself a fully registered version of ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Script!

AbleDating Crack

Dating Software